Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Best Friend's Wedding

I am a bridesmaid, y'all !
Dress--Kate Torralba; Shoes--VNC

Oh, the memories of high school came flooding when friends and I came together for Majan's wedding. Except for me, all of them flew in from hometown CDO (Dax, Jalou & Nathalie) and China (Majan) to Manila. Dorothy couldn't be with us though due to travel restrictions of her studies in the UK. We can't wait for the day she comes home.

So, anyway, the wedding was BEE-YOO-TI-FULL. It was Filipino-inspired, hence, the incorporation of indigenous materials in our clothes.

Dax and I, being the drama queens that we are, cried as Majan walked down the aisle. It wasn't the ugly cry though. Hormonal b*tches.

One of the best wedding vows I've heard so far came from Bryan, who opened his with, "You're beautiful." And then, a long pause. A pause that puts other things in motion, the kind of pause that starts the chirping of the birds, the blossoming of the durantas and Majan's monthly ovulation. You're beautiful, delivered with zen and utmost sincerity, pregnant with meaning, reduced all of us into mush. Le sigh.

To Bryan and Majan, congratulations and best wishes.

To the babes Dax, Dorothy, Jalou, Nathalie and Majan, you are my friends "whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world," to borrow Thomas A. Edison's words.


Addendum: A quickity quick post of the afterparty...soon.

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